Castle Exdeath
– You’ll wind up on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere, with no immediately-obvious way to escape. If you sit around long enough, however, your team will suggest settling down for the night in a Tent. Do so and you’ll hit a situation you can’t possibly win, resulting in capture. If you don’t have a Tent, just get into a fight – this island is populated by a weak enemy that will always drop Tents. (If you’re super cheap you can use this to stockpile Tents for free, but Tents are inexpensive, so…)
– After a few cut scenes you’ll wind up with a team consisting of only Galuf. He’s a bit vulnerable right now, so either give him a physically-imposing class or stick him in the back row. There’s a save point in the starting room’s north door, and in the west are stairs. The other doors here are locked, so don’t bother.
– Down two floors is a larger room. You’ll find stairs in the northwest. On the next floor is a boss Galuf will have to fight alone, so make sure he’s prepped.
This battle isn’t too bad. Gilgamesh is basically a glorified normal enemy with more health than normal. Still, he’s capable of hitting decently hard, and he’s faster than you’d probably like. Use boosting items or magic to Haste Galuf (and, if possible, Slow Gilgamesh), then beat on him until he falls. The Dragoon class is especially good for this fight since you can just Jump, avoid Gilgamesh’s attacks, and do lots of damage yourself. Winning shouldn’t take too long.
(If you have trouble here, turn the game speed waaaay down. It’s not that easy to level around here with only Galuf, especially if he has a bad combination of abilities for solo combat.)
– Beat Gilgamesh and the team will be restored to four members. Return to the first room, then head out the now-unlocked south door to exit Castle Exdeath. Now that you’re on the world map, head south and west. You’ll find a bridge on the west coast.
– You’re now on the Big Bridge. It’s a straight flight across the Bridge… but there are compulsory enemy battles along the way. These foes are generally weak to lightning attacks (except for the Neo Garula, which absorbs lightning), making this a fairly easy escape. Be careful in the first indoor area, however, as a surprise boss will show up to ruin your day.
Yep, he’s back, and he’s a fair bit tougher this time. The beginning of this fight starts out roughly the same as the last, with Gilgamesh relying on physical attacks. Nothing huge. (You might see Goblin Punch, Aera, or Wind Slash, but the chances are a bit small, and none of them are too painful.) Do enough damage, though, and he’ll cast Haste, Protect, and Shell on himself, then start Jumping on your team. Jump can be painful, and depending on the timing it can muck up your attacks. Use Slow to stall him out and get rid of Haste, heal away damage from Jump, and beat him to death. If you want to avoid the buffing you can also cast Silence on him before he hits the halfway point of his health, negating the advantages he would otherwise get.
– Beat Gilgamesh and you only have a few more battles to fight before you reach the far end of the Big Bridge… though, uh, you immediately get launched to another continent once all is said and done. (How the hell did they survive such a massive leap? Just saying.)
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